PIRE Resources
- Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE)
A nonprofit organization specializing in conducting research related to health and social issues and translating science into practice in solution of real-world problems.
- Prevention Research Center (PRC)
The Prevention Research Center was formed in 1983 as a national center for prevention research. PRC’s focus is on conducting research to better understand the social and physical environments that influence individual behavior that leads to alcohol and drug misuse.
- PIRE Prevention Planning and Evaluation Projects
This PIRE webpage provides an overview of the many prevention training and evaluation projects PIRE has conducted for national, state, and community-based agencies across the country, including links to project descriptions, reports, and persons to contact for more information.
- New Mexico Prevention
The “unofficial” website for the New Mexico Office of Substance Abuse Prevention. The Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (OSAP) is part of the Behavioral Health Services Division with the New Mexico Human Services Department. This site provides information on OSAP programs relating to the past, present and future by including past documents, posting necessary documents (including evaluation), and providing resources for community-level substance abuse prevention efforts in New Mexico.
Website created and maintained by PIRE for the NM Office of Substance Abuse Prevention with the tools and documents PIRE has created for their evaluation work.
- South Carolina Prevention/Evaluation Resources
This website stores resources for the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) and its substance abuse prevention providers throughout the state. PIRE provides evaluation services to DAODAS for its block grant and SPF PFS grant.
Other Resources
The North Carolina Disease Event Tracking and Epidemiologic Collection Tool (NC DETECT) is North Carolina’s statewide syndromic surveillance system. NC DETECT was created by the North Carolina Division of Public Health (NC DPH) in 2004 in collaboration with the Carolina Center for Health Informatics (CCHI) in the UNC Department of Emergency Medicine to address the need for early event detection and timely public health surveillance in North Carolina using a variety of secondary data sources. Authorized users are currently able to view data from emergency departments, North Carolina Poison Control, and emergency medical services (EMS), as well as pilot data from select urgent care centers.
- NC COVID-19 Dashboard
This dashboard provides an overview on the metrics and capacities that the state is following to monitor the epidemic in North Carolina. Data are entirely pulled from NC DETECT data and updated daily. Monitoring COVID-like illness in NC’s ED visit data is one of the metrics the Governor and Secretary of DHHS are using to determine how and when we can start relaxing the stay at home orders in NC.
- National Institute of Mental Health
Funders of some PIRE projects, including some led by Winnie Luseno.
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Funders of some PIRE projects, including some led by Winnie Luseno
- Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center
ECTA is a national technical assistance (TA) center that focuses on improving systems, practices, and outcomes for children (0 -5) with disabilities and their families. ECTA provides TA directly to state coordinators of programs funded by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). ECTA is operated by the University of North Carolina – Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute and is funded by the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). PIRE is the external evaluator for ECTA.
- The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy)
The DaSy Center is a national technical assistance center funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). DaSy works with states to support IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) early intervention and early childhood special education state programs in the development or enhancement of coordinated early childhood longitudinal data systems. DaSy is operated by SRI International. PIRE is the external evaluator for DaSy.
- Idaho Substance Abuse Prevention
This website is hosted by the Idaho Office of Drug Policy (ODP) and is the primary source for substance abuse prevention resources for the State of Idaho. PIRE provides evaluation services to ODP for its block grant and SPF PFS grant.
- Indiana Project AWARE
This website provides resources related to Indiana Project AWARE whose goal is to raise awareness about student social-emotional and mental health issues, increase the capacity of school personnel to identify students in need, and enhance accessibility to social-emotional and mental health services for students. Indiana Project AWARE is administered by the Indiana Department of Education in cooperation with the Family and Social Services Administration - Division of Mental Health and Addiction. PIRE is the evaluator of Indiana Project AWARE.
- SafeVoice Nevada
SafeVoice Nevada is an initiative to prevent harmful events to students and schools by supporting a statewide anonymous reporting system (app, web, phone) and local multi-disciplinary teams in every school in Nevada. It is funded by a research grant from the National Institute of Justice to PIRE and is operated by the Nevada Department of Education and Department of Public Safety.
- Screening and Referring HIV Testing Clients for Intimate Partner Violence
The Screening and Referring HIV Testing Clients for Intimate Partner Violence curriculum is a two-session training with additional practice session(s) for HIV testing staff to practice screening for IPV, responding to disclosures, and making referrals for IPV.
- Client Sexual Safety (for IPV Providers)
Client Sexual Safety is a two-session training for IPV social service organizational staff to learn about HIV, how to talk to clients about their risk, and how to refer clients for HIV testing.
- Vermont Partnerships for Success (PFS) and Regional Prevention Partnerships (RPP) Evaluation Website
This site provides access to reports, tools, and other materials developed for the evaluation of Vermont’s Regional Prevention Partnerships (RPP) and its predecessor, Partnerships for Success (PFS). The site is maintained by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE). Materials posted here were developed by PIRE under contracts provided by the Vermont Department of Health (VDH).
Information about Vermont’s PFS and RPP initiatives is available on the Vermont Department of Health website at http://www.healthvermont.gov/alcohol-drug-abuse/programs-services/prevention-programs .