Amy Livingston is a Program Evaluator based in Burlington, VT. In her fourteen plus years with PIRE, Ms. Livingston’s focus has been on the evaluation of substance misuse prevention projects. In these roles she provides evaluation services to state and community-based agencies using both quantitative and qualitative methods. She provides technical assistance to clients on process and outcome data collection, needs assessment, and implementation fidelity. Current projects include the evaluation of several community-based Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success (SPF-PFS) and Drug Free Communities projects, and leading Vermont’s Young Adult Survey on substance use related behaviors and beliefs. Recent projects include the evaluation of a pilot mentor program for new special educators with the Vermont Agency of Education, development of an inventory of prevention services providers in the state of Vermont, and evaluation of Vermont’s School-based Substance Abuse Prevention Services program.
Her previous professional experience includes coordination of smoking cessation clinical trials, and research on HIV and substance misuse prevention for adolescents at the University of Vermont. She has also coordinated community-level HIV prevention and testing programs and has worked as a health care assistant at a women’s health center.