Principal Investigator: Martha Waller, PhD.
Co-Investigators: Lei Zhang, Al Delmerico, Bob Saltz
PIRE evaluators lead Montgomery County college campus stakeholders through a strategic planning process to identify outcomes related to alcohol and other drug use and mental health among college students to target and identify prevention strategies across the continuum of care that will reduce harm and improve the health and well-being of students on and off campus. The project is led by Dr. Martha Waller, a senior PIRE program evaluator and director of PIRE’s Chapel Hill Center, along with other key members of the proposed team.
A key element of this project is to facilitate the SPF process with at least eight Montgomery County colleges and universities, with an emphasis on assessing needs, developing a strategic plan and operational workplan tailored to each college/university, and implementing a data collection strategy for evaluating processes and outcomes. PIRE works closely with Montgomery County DHHS to implement an overall plan that meets these goals and with the colleges and universities to help them develop, implement, and evaluate their plans.