Principal Investigator: Al Stein-Seroussi, Ph.D.
PIRE holds a research grant from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) that supports the implementation of, and research on, an anonymous tip line for students throughout the State of Nevada, known as SafeVoice. The goal of SafeVoice is to provide a mechanism for students and others to report and prevent potentially harmful events that affect students and school communities. PIRE is the primary grantee, the Nevada Department of Education manages and oversees SafeVoice, and the Nevada Department of Public Safety operates the SafeVoice call center 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. SafeVoice is accessible to the nearly 500,000 students in 752 schools across all 17 school districts in Nevada. Students can report tips via mobile app, website, or phone. A critical element of SafeVoice is that every public school must establish and maintain a multidisciplinary team (MDT) of professionals to respond to tips consisting of at least three members, including a school administrator as well as a school counselor, psychologist, social worker, or similar person. PIRE is conducting the multi-method research study which includes collecting extensive program data, conducting annual MDT surveys, and compiling data on student outcomes.